Home Gyms – How to Build a Home Gym

 Home Gyms How to Build a Home Gym

If you want to know how to build a home gym, then you should smile because I am going to give you some tips on building a home gym that fits your needs.

In this article, I want to share with you the tips for how to build a home gym, the correct pieces that you will need based on goals, available space and time.

How To Build A Home Gym

What are your fitness goals? This is the first question you have to ask yourself. What fitness goals am I trying to accomplish? Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to get toned? Do I want.? You finish that sentence yourself.

Now, this can change over time and probably should if you stay consistent with wanting to be fit and healthy.

Next, you have to ask yourself how much time you have? This is important because if you don’t have much time, then you will need equipment that will allow you to do multiple tasks or work multiple muscles at the same time.

Another question you need to know the answer to is how much space you have available in your home? Obviously, you need to know the answer to this because this will be the biggest factor in the equipment that you can include in your personal gym.

3 Essential Pieces Of Equipment for Your Home Gym

1. Dumbbells: These are the most versatile pieces of equipment there is. You can do everything you need to and work every muscle with a good set of dumbbells. The dumbbells you choose will be based on the answers to your questions above, especially the question about space in your home. If you don’t have much space, then you will want to get a pair of adjustable dumbbells because they don’t take up much space at all and you still get all the benefits of having adjustable amounts of weight to work with.

2. A 12 Inch Box: This can come in many forms, but this little baby is critical to have in your gym at home, in my opinion. Why? You can use it for so many exercises and workouts like: step-ups, bench, dumbbell flys, incline push-ups, decline push ups, plyometrics, and list goes on and on.

3. A Cardio Machine: I will leave this open to your needs and goals, but the most effective ones are an indoor rowing machine, stationary bike, or a treadmill.

If you add these pieces of equipment to your home gym, you will be off to a great start. You will lose weight, get fit, and stay in shape.

These are most important steps in knowing how to build a home gym.

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