Boxing Is Not Only for Men!

1308375810 12 Boxing is not only for men!

Does the idea of boxing intimidate you? Have you ever actually tried that boxing class your gym offers? I’m sure many of you have taken cardio kick-boxing classes, or have tried Tae-Bo videos, but i’m talking about a real boxing class, with heavy bags and boxing gloves. Well, as part of my gym’s March Madness Competition, I decided to score some serious points by trying a boxing class which required me to box with a personal trainer for 12 rounds, each being 3-minutes in duration. (This is to mimic a real championship boxing match.) Okay, 3 minutes of boxing seems enough, but 12 rounds? I was surely in over my head, as I have taken boxing classes in the past, and one minute of actual “boxing” seemed like an eternity! But, as I am always up for a challenge, I decided to take the plunge and go for it. I mean, what did I have to lose? (Actually, an hour of boxing burns up to 800 to 1,000 calories per hour). Now that was definitely enough of an incentive!

As I got started, my trainer, Anthony M. Ferretti, BS, CSCS, of the American Express Health & Fitness Center, introduced me to the basics of boxing, which include jabs, uppercuts, and hooks. What seemed relatively “easy” in a cardio-kickboxing class now took on a whole new meaning. Not only was I focusing on “throwing” my punches accurately, I had to be super quick with my feet. Each round became more challenging, and built upon each other. By the third round, I was sweating up a storm, my heart was racing, and my endorphins were surging. This was not only an amazing total body workout, but I was having an absolute blast! (I recall telling Anthony to “Bring it on!”) I was excited that I was actually somewhat keeping up with Anthony, as he was keeping it challenging and teaching me how to “corner” him so I can throw as many punches as possible. In a real boxing game, that’s the goal, corner him, and give him your best punch! Talk about stress relief! I was venting away my day’s frustrations and it felt invigorating. I felt empowered, and wanted to give it my all. As the rounds progressed, the fatigue did take over, but Anthony kept me focused, and kept repeating “Dig Deep” and find my inner strength. He was right. It was there, and I managed to complete all 12 rounds…all 36 minutes! I felt great. I completed the challenge, and I didn’t give up.

So for all you women out there who feel that “its too hard”, or “I won’t be able to do it.”  Stop there. Dig deep and find the motivation. Take the challenge. I’m glad I did.

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